2025 Primary Food Processors Forum


From Field to Market: Unlocking the Competitive Edge of Primary Food Processing

April 29th, 2025 | 14:00 to 17:00 hrs (CET) followed by a cocktail reception

Residence Palace, Brussels

Primary Food Processors are a vital link between agriculture and consumers. We transform agricultural raw materials into high-quality food ingredients, animal feed, and biobased products that support the EU bioeconomy. As key players in the EU’s food, feed, and industrial value chains, we help safeguard food security, strengthen sovereignty, drive innovation, and sustain rural economies.

However, primary food processing sectors face increasing global competition, price volatility, and the challenges of decarbonization. By keeping our competitiveness high on the EU agenda, we can ensure a robust, sustainable, and secure food supply chain for Europe.

Join us for a high-level discussion with policy makers and key stakeholders, moderated by Natasha Foote, on how to maintain the competitive edge of EU primary food processing and shape the future of this essential sector.

The event will be followed by a cocktail reception.
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