2022 edition PFP Forum
Rising to the challenges of climate change and energy supplies
Rising to the challenges of climate change and energy supplies
Monday 7 November 2022
14:30 to 16:30
Primary food processors play a vital role in securing Europe’s food sovereignty. But today the sector is under extraordinary pressure. Energy costs have risen dramatically, at first due to the post-COVID rebound in demand, but more strikingly since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In some cases factories are moving back to more emitting coal and oil to reduce their exposure to high gas prices. In other cases, out-of-the-box solutions are being developed to ensure that facilities can continue to operate even if energy supplies are cut. Meanwhile, long-term challenges remain: how to increase the sustainability of agriculture with a diminished toolbox for farmers? And how to maintain yields in an increasingly unpredictable climate?
PFP has invited experts to present their views on the challenges of climate change and energy supplies.
14:30 | Welcome Huub Scheres, PFP President |
14:40 | The energy price crisis: a reality check for Europe’s Green Deal Diana-Paula Gherasim, Research Fellow, Center for Energy & Climate (Ifri) |
15:00 | EU agri-food system in the new geopolitical context: challenges and policy action Ricard Ramon, Deputy Head of Unit Policy Perspectives, DG AGRI |
15:15 | Will the energy crisis drive or derail decarbonisation in the primary food processing sectors? Discussion Moderated by Florence Ranson Pekka Pesonen – Secretary General, COPA-COGECA |
16:20 | Conclusions Huub Scheres, PFP President |
16:30 | End followed by refreshments |